Chairman Ryan Graham called the meeting to order at approximately 7:05 PM.
The following members were in attendance; Ryan Graham, Laura Williams, Amber Howell, John Monds, Elizabeth Melton, Christine Austin, Amanda Brown, Stephanie Aylworth, Bobby Rouse, Allen Buckley, Seth Benton, John Monds and Ted Metz.
Other participants were: Brian Solinsky
A motion to approve the August agenda was made by Ryan Graham. Motion carries.
Old Business
$11,235.56 raised for ballot access, if case goes to court we will incur new charges. Roughly $400 in reserve.
There are 4 Excom vacancies. Ryan Graham made a motion to nominate Chase Oliver to PSC 4, second by Laura Williams. Passes unanimously. Ryan Graham nominated Brian Solinsky for , second by Ted Metz. Passes unanimously.
New Business
Looking for candidates to run for two senate seats that are coming up next year.
Students from West Georgia reached out wanting to start something for college libertarians. Discussed starting a college group and an affiliate for the area.
Chairman’s Report (Ryan Graham)
Quickbooks increased to $70, dropped down to the $40 subscription. Canceled ROAM subscription. Bobby Rouse moved to Membership Chair. Set up Amazon Merch and associates account.
Vice Chair’s Report (Laura Williams)
Atlanta PRIDE October 11-13th. Volunteers needed, will set up a doodle for organizing that. Still waiting for set up information.
Secretary’s Report (Amber Howell)
Minutes uploaded. Second chance resolution passed with 12 “Yea”. Still needing votes on Devon Spiva resolution.
Treasurer’s Report (Evan Durkovic)
The treasurer’s report was distributed via email to all ExCom members on September 9th, 2019th.
Committee Reports
Ballot Access (Mark Mosley)
Committee report sent to ExCom members on September 9th, 2019.
Convention (Stephanie Aylworth)
Bobby Rouse made a motion to approve a $5,000 budget for Convention venue. Stephanie Aylworth seconded. Passed unanimously.
Communications (Stephanie Aylworth)
No blog posts, some articled published. Two podcasts recorded, would like to see that done regularly so we can also publish on Facebook live.
Membership (Bobby Rouse)
Lost a good chunk of members, may not be renewing yearly membership. Discussed updating phone list for quality control.
Fundraising (Vacant)
Ballot access phone banking, will start convention fundraising soon.
Outreach Committee (vacant)
Raburn county invited us back. No other updates.
Affiliate Support (Elizabeth Melton)
Has outline for handbook. Wants to add section for tips on topics like fundraising. Met with people about starting LaGrange affiliate. Cherokee and Lumpkin looking to start affiliate. Wants to help existing affiliates to reinvigorate themselves.
Candidate Support (Nathan Wilson)
Ryan ha been calling people who have expressed interest in running and letting them know what they need to be anle to run.
Public Policy (Laura Williams)
Renewal for Georgia Justice Project. Laura Williams made a motion to allow a $500 budget item to sponsor Justice day. Second by Bobby Rouse. Passed unanimously.
IT (Ryan Graham)
No updates.
No resolution.
A motion to adjourn was made by Bobby Rouse, second by Allen Buckley.
Meeting Adjourned at 8:10 pm.