Press Release

Libertarian Party of Georgia Appeals Ballot Access Lawsuit

Atlanta, GA – The Libertarian Party of Georgia and fellow plaintiffs filed an appeal with the United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit regarding their right to appear on ballots for U.S. House. Current law recognizes only the Democratic and Republican Parties as having ‘ballot access,’ and all other political body and independent candidates. The barriers set to qualify have so far blocked all challengers. 

“Georgia’s ballot barriers are so strict that no independent or third-party candidates have qualified for U.S. House general elections since their passage in 1943.  Voters are increasingly dissatisfied with the two major parties, but those same parties block all competitors. Georgia’s voters deserve more options when they go to vote,” said Bryan Sells, legal counsel representing the Libertarian Party of Georgia and its fellow plaintiffs.

Judge Leigh May denied the Libertarian Party of Georgia’s Motion for Summary Judgment but granted, in part, the Georgia Secretary of State’s motion for Summary Judgment on September 23, 2019. Despite collecting thousands of signatures, no third party candidate met the burden set by Republicans and Democrats. 

“We welcome the opportunity to move this case forward. Recent rulings in the 11th Circuit and the Supreme Court give us reason to be optimistic about our success on appeal,” said Martin Cowen, plaintiff and 2018 (frustrated) Libertarian candidate for US House in District 13. 

The Libertarian Party of Georgia continues to fight for every Georgian’s right to vote, and for fair, competitive elections for all offices. 

For more information about the state of ballot access laws in the Georgia, check out this article that does an excellent job giving a high level view.


The Libertarian Party of Georgia is committed to America’s heritage of individual freedoms, limited government, and social tolerance. We value a free market economy of innovation and prosperity, a foreign policy of peace and non-intervention, and liberty and justice for all. If this sounds like you, learn more about what we do and what we stand for. You can find a libertarian affiliate in your community, join us at community service events and business meetings every month, or just sign up to let us know you’re interested. A world of peace, prosperity, and personal freedom is possible. Be a part of making it happen.

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