June 8th, 2020
Chairman Ryan Graham called the meeting to order at approximately 7:00 PM.
The following members were in attendance; Ryan Graham, Laura Williams, Amber Howell, Robert Cortez, Thomas Nickles, Eric Fontaine, Seth Benton, Bradford White, Robert Beeler, Danny Dolan, Ted Metz, and Zach Varnell.
A motion to approve the June agenda was made by Ted Metz.
Stephen Nekalia gave a LNC report.
Chair’s Report (Ryan Graham)
National Convention was a success, all officers were elected.
Vice Chair’s Report (Laura Williams)
No update.
Secretary’s Report (Amber Howell)
No update. All presidential electors filed.
Treasurer’s Report (Evan Durkovic)
The treasurer’s report was distributed via email to all ExCom members on July 13th.
Old Business
Ballot access lawsuit update, won appellate court and filed in district court. COVID-19 ballot access lawsuit period for signatures reduced by 30% and gave 30 day extension in court.
New Business
Altanta PRIDE canceled in person event, discussed what to do with booth deposit. Ted Metz made a motion to wait until programming options become available to decide what to do with it. Second by Amber Howell. Motion carries.
Danny Dolan moved to approve West Georgia affiliate. Motion carries unanimously. Danny Dolan moved to approve North West Georgia affiliate and Cowasaga Valley affiliate. Ted Metz moved to approve the affiliates contingent upon receipt of completed paperwork. Motion was seconded and carries unanimously.
Ted Metz appointed state coordinator for Jo Jorgensen 2020 campaign.
Motion to adjourn made by Ryan Graham, second by Ted Metz.
Meeting Adjourned at 7:22 pm.