Chairman Ryan Graham called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM.
Agenda was adopted without objection.
Steven Nekhalia gave the LNC report
Old Business
Ryan Graham gave an update on the ballot access lawsuit and COVID-19 ballot access lawsuit.
Empty committee chairs, Fundraising and Outreach.
New Business
Executive committee vacancies
Ted motioned to invite affiliate chairs to Executive committee. Second by Stephen McClure. Motion carries unanimously.
Ryan moved to reappoint Andrew Garland to PSC 1, seconded by Seth Benton. Motion passed by majority voice vote.
Motion to appoint Angela Pence and David Barker to upcomly vacancies by Ted Metz, Second by Amber Howell.
John Turpish moved to Endorse Chase Oliver for US House district 5. Second by Andrew Garland. Motion passed by unanimous voice vote.
Affiliate Support
Danny Dolan moved to approve Libertarian Party of Northwest Georgia affiliate. Second by Seth Benton. Motion passed unanimously.
Ryan Graham motioned to amend the
budget to allow Executive Director expenditures of $5,550, seconded by Danny Dolan.
Motion approved unanimously.
Ryan Graham moved to amend the budget to pay $1,000 for Base camp.
Second by Seth Benton. Motion passed unanimously. Officer reports were given.
Adjourn at 8:34 PM.