June 8th, 2020
Chairman Ryan Graham called the meeting to order at approximately 7:00 PM.
The following members were in attendance; Ryan Graham, Laura Williams, Amber Howell, Robert Cortez, Brian Slowinski, Thomas Nickles, Chase Oliver, Eric Fontaine, Greg Pierzynka, Seth Benton, Bradford White, John Turpish, Bobby Rouse, Danny Dolan, Ted Metz, Mark Mosley, Stephen McClure, and Zach Varnell.
A motion to approve the June agenda was made by Ted Metz.
Stephen Nekalia gave a LNC report.
Chair’s Report (Ryan Graham)
Ryan has been appointed as Jo Jorgensen’s Georgia campaign chair. First portion of Convention has been completed.
Vice Chair’s Report (Laura Williams)
No report made.
Secretary’s Report (Amber Howell)
Minutes uploaded. No electronic votes. Working on getting copy of minutes for presidential electors. Asked that electors come in on June 22nd and meet at SoS office.
Treasurer’s Report (Evan Durkovic)
The treasurer’s report was distributed via email to all ExCom members on June 8th.
Old Business
Ballot access lawsuit update, performed Anderson test, 11th circuit ruled in favor of LP Georgia. COVID lawsuit injunction filed, court date on June 30th.
New Business
Motion to approve affiliate adding Effingham, Bullet, Bryan and Screven Counties to Savannah affiliate made by Danny Dolan. Second by Brian Slowinski. Motion approved unanimously. Motion to reappoint Bobby Rouse to PSC 5 seat by Ryan Graham. Second by Brian Slowinski. Passed unanimously.
Fundraising committee chair and members needed.
Motion to adjourn made by Bradford White, second by Zach Varrnell.
Meeting Adjourned at 7:39 pm.