Did you miss our 2021 Convention? You can watch Day 1 Business at the link below.
Recorded at the Academy Theatre in Hapeville, Georgia by party stalwart Ted Metz.
Opening Gavel: Zach Varnell 00:00:12
Secretary’s Report: Amber Howell 00:00:30
Voting delegates – 20 (updated 32:26) Quorum – 8.
Chairman’s Report: Zach Varnell 00:02:45
Descriptions of Committees YOU can join:
- IT: Danny Dolan 00:02:45
- Bylaws: 00:08:45
- Platform: 00:09:10
- Communications: 00:09:40
- Membership: 00:11:05
- Outreach: 00:12:05
- Affiliate Support: Danny Dolan 00:12:30
- Candidate Support: John Turpish 00:12:30
- Public Policy: 00:14:15
- Youth Engagement: 00:15:20
- Fundraising: 00:16:15
Chairman’s Awards: 00:17:41
Platform Committee Report / proposal : 00:30:00
Bylaws Committee Report / proposal: 00:30:30
49:35 – all party members present (membership being included in the convention ticket) will be seated as delegates.
Bylaws votes:
- To require future conventions (business) to be conducted on a Saturday. (voice vote 1:07:45 – Motion fails to carry)
- To clarify requirement to publish notice of convention in a “general circulation newspaper” to specify minimum circulation of 20,000. (vote by hand 1:18:20 Motion fails to carry)
Platform committee:
- Recognizing the right to secede. (Shane Hazel speaks in favor 1:25:24)
(vote by voice 1:42:15 motion passes)
Election of Party Officers:
- Chair (vote by secret ballot – Ryan Graham won – announced 1:56:55)
- Vice Chair (vote by secret ballot – Zach Varnell won – announced 2:09:43)
- Voice vote for treasurer: (vote by voice – Pam Alexander won – 2:13:10)
Region 2 Report from Libertarian National Committee: Steven Nekhaila