Meeting Minutes – March 11th, 2019
Auto-approved April 8th, 2019
Chairman Ted Metz called the meeting to order at approximately 7:08 PM.
The following members were in attendance; Ted Metz, Ryan Graham, Amber Howell, Nathan Wilson, Ed Nachman, Laura Williams, Amanda Brown, David Barker, John Turpish, and Stephanie Aylworth.
Other Participants were: Steven Nekhalia and Bryan Sells
A motion to approve the March agenda was made by John Turpish, seconded by Stephanie Aylworth. Motion carries.
A motion to approve the February minutes was made by David Barker, Seconded by Nathan Wilson. Motion carries.
Steven Nekhalia gave the LNC report.
Treasurer’s Report (Evan Durkovic)
The treasurer’s report was distributed via email to all Excom members on March 11th.
Subcommittee Reports
Convention Committee (Stephanie Aylworth)
The agenda has been set for convention and all vendors have been booked for the reception. Reimbursements for Thrasher need to be made. Please send all photos for the 2018 recap to Stephanie.
Communications Committee (Stephanie Aylworth)
Anything published for LPGa needs to go through the communications committee. Report brand infringements.
Affiliate Support Committee (Gretchen Mangan)
No report made.
Politics Committee (Ryan Graham)
Discussed corporate representative choices.
Public Policy Committee (Ryan Graham)
Ballot access bill didn’t make it out of the house, we have until the next legislative session to pull support. Fully Informed Jury Act of 2019 stopped in committee. Senate cash bail is getting a hearing. Hearing on HB316 will be held 3/14.
Bylaws Committee (Stephanie Aylworth)
Reviewed proposed bylaws changes to be voted on at convention.
Platform Committee (John Turpish)
Asked for feedback on proposed platform proposal to be voted on at convention.
Campus Outreach Committee (Amber Howell)
No update.
Vice Chair’s Report (Ryan Graham)
Policy manual has been sent out and is ready for vote. Need referrals for fundraising, will meet with FL fundraising director for ideas. Ryan has been appointed to LNC IT committee. Proposed resolutions for convention. Sent in Atlanta Pride and Marketplace application.
Chairman’s Report (Ted Metz)
Working on SB 310 and HB 316. Community outreach opportunities using financial rights, please email Ted if interested in education for this. Fundraising needed for ballot access lawsuit. Doug Craig to represent for deposition. Discussed defining membership classes per article III. Clarified affiliate membership in regard to state party memberships.
Old Business
Executive committee vacancies will be filled at convention.
New Business
Stephanie Aylworth made a motion to adopt the Policy manual. Ryan Graham seconded. Motion carries.
A motion to adjourn was made by John Turpish, seconded by Ryan Graham.
Meeting Adjourned at 8:26 pm.