April 13th, 2020
Chairman Ryan Graham called the meeting to order at approximately 7:05 PM.
The following members were in attendance; Ryan Graham, Laura Williams, Amber Howell, Brian Slowinski, Chase Oliver, Eric Fontaine, Greg Pierzynka, Seth Benton, Bradford White, John Turpish, Zach VarnellStephen McClure, Ted Metz, Mark Mosley, and Zach Varnell
A motion to approve the April agenda was made by Ted Metz.
Stephen Nekalia gave the LNC report
Chair’s Report (Ryan Graham)
Signed onto two letters, one requesting recertification of voting machines due health concerns, and another in conjunction with GA Justice Reform Partnership requesting non-violent offenders to be released due to health concerns.
Vice Chair’s Report (Laura Williams)
New contributions to blog and podcast.
Secretary’s Report (Amber Howell)
Minutes uploaded. No electronic votes.
Treasurer’s Report (Evan Durkovic)
The treasurer’s report was distributed via email to all ExCom members on April 13th.
Old Business
Old ballot access lawsuit.
New Business
New ballot access lawsuit for signature requirements. Committee reports will no longer be on Excomm call, will be sent via email. Need fundraising and membership committee chair
Motion to adjourn made by Ted Metz, second by Zach Varnell.
Meeting Adjourned at 7:36 pm.