Neal Boortz And His Entitlement Politics – An Open Letter to Republicans

Earlier this week, radio talk show host, Neal Boortz, made some odd statements for a self-proclaimed Libertarian. He seems to believe that Republicans are entitled to your vote based solely on the fact that they are not Democrats, and that a vote in support of a Libertarian Party candidate is essentially a vote for a Democrat. It seems that Mr. Boortz has filled his cup once again with the Republican Kool-Aid. You may recall a letter we wrote six months ago to Mr. Boortz thanking him for “coming out” six months earlier than normal. Once again, he’s further suppressed the party of which he claims to be a part.

Yesterday, Lt. Governor candidate, Dan Barber penned this reply:

Neal Boortz recently made the statement that a vote for a Libertarian is a vote taken away from a Republican. He claims this is tantamount to handing victory to any Democrat in the race. He claims, therefore, that voting Libertarian is in effect the same thing as voting Democrat. He’s wrong. Here’s why.
In the 2008 general election, the voters didn’t abandon the Republican Party. The Republican Party had already abandoned them decades ago. Long ago, Republicans abandoned even the pretense of fiscal conservatism and any regard for personal liberty. Voters simply walked away from a dead marriage.

And now Neal Boortz is waving that marriage certificate under your nose. Claiming the Republicans are entitled to your vote simply because they are not Democrats. Well, that’s not good enough. Better than crappy still isn’t good. Why has the Tea Party gained so fast in popularity? Because they know what you know – that Republicans moved so far left trying to take votes from Democrats that they became Democrats in the process.

Neal Boortz would have you believe that there will always be only two parties, and that his is the better one. He’s wrong again. Since the dawn of time, demagogues have claimed that a crappy present is a safer bet than an uncertain future. If everyone believed that, there never would have been an American Revolution. We’d still all be subjects of the British crown.

Neal means well, but he’s wrong. You’re not abandoning the Republican Party. They abandoned you, and their principles, decades ago. If you let Neal scare you into voting Republican again, you’ll get the same failed policies you’ve been getting.

Vote with your conscience and your common sense. Vote for freedom. Vote for sanity.

Vote Libertarian

As someone who claims to support the end of entitlement programs, let’s give him his wish. Let’s end the entitlement program that the GOP (Boortz included) supports.

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