Chairman Ryan Graham called the meeting to order at approximately 7:00 PM.
The following members were in attendance; Ryan Graham, Laura Williams, Amber Howell, John Monds, David Barker, April Brown, Amanda Brown, Brian Slowinski, Stephanie Aylworth, Allen Buckley, Nathan Wilson, and Ted Metz.
A motion to approve the October agenda was made by Ryan Graham. Second by Ted Metz. Motion carries.
Chairman’s Report (Ryan Graham)
Laura and Ted spoke at the Veterans for Cannabis rally. Ryan participated in the IT committee meeting for LNC and went to second chance for Georgia kickoff supporting expungement.
Vice Chair’s Report (Laura Williams)
Got good feedback at the Veterans for Cannabis rally, will write a piece on that.
Secretary’s Report (Amber Howell)
Minutes uploaded. No outstanding votes currently.
Treasurer’s Report (Evan Durkovic)
The treasurer’s report was distributed via email to all ExCom members on November 12th.
Committee Reports
Ballot Access (Mark Mosley)
Committee report to be forwarded to all ExCom members via Ryan.
Convention (Stephanie Aylworth)
Need rapid fire session speakers. Has not confirmed venue for reception. Ryan moved to amend the policy manual to remove convention registration does not count towards contribution levels. Stephanie seconded. Carries.
Communications Committee (Stephanie Aylworth)
One newspaper article and two blog posts published this month.
Membership (Bobby Rouse)
172 members in October. Need volunteers to phone bank for membership and convention.
Fundraising (Vacant)
$1,082 raised in October. Still need to raise $480 for ballot access
Outreach Committee (Chase Oliver)
No update.
Affiliate Support (Elizabeth Melton)
Pickens County almost ready to become an affiliate. Will vote via email.
Candidate Support (Nathan Wilson)
Inviting candidates to convention.
Public Policy (Laura Williams)
No update.
IT (Ryan Graham)
Will do a county level dashboard in CRM which will simplify the process.
Old Business
$1,062 bill from Brian Sells for ballot access lawsuit. Filled appeal with the 11thcircuit.
Still have 2 executive committee vacancies. Need to make platform committee appointment by the end of December. Resolution for financial sanity act tabled from last meeting, will do an email ballot.
New Business
No new business.
A motion to adjourn was made by Brian, second by Allen.
Meeting Adjourned at 7:50 pm.