Chairman Ryan Graham called the meeting to order at approximately 7:05 PM.
The following members were in attendance; Ryan Graham, Laura Williams, Amber Howell, John Monds, Elizabeth Melton, David Barker, April Brown, Doug Craig, Amanda Brown, Stephanie Aylworth, Bobby Rouse, Allen Buckley, Seth Benton, and Ted Metz.
Others on the call: Devon Spiva
A motion to approve the August agenda was made by Ryan Graham. Motion carries.
A motion to endorse Devon Spiva for Clarke County Commissioner. Seconded by April Brown. Voting tabled.
Old Business
Ballot Assess Lawsuit update was sent out via email. Answer expected in two weeks. We owe lawyer $200. There are 2 vacancies on ExComm. Ryan Graham made a motion to nominate Doug Craig for PSC-3, Seconded by Allen Buckley. Passed unanimously.
New Business
Allen Buckley made a motion to amend the budget to accommodate an increase in the cost of storage $63 budget amendment. Seconded by David Barker. Passed unanimously.
Ted Metz made a motion to reimburse Laura Williams in the amount of $97.18. Seconded by Elizabeth Melton. Passed unanimously.
Motion to cancel ROAM membership made by Stephanie Aylworth, Seconded by Amber Howell. Motion carries unanimously.
Chairman’s Report (Ryan Graham)
Meeting with Sam Park 8-13. Article written about how to help poverty in Georgia. LNC discussion about trading volunteer hours for merch and the like.
Vice Chair’s Report (Laura Williams)
Nothing to report
Secretary’s Report (Amber Howell)
Resolution on Trump’s rhetoric failed. Still need votes on the resolution supporting the resignation of Chris Harvey, currently 5-0-7. Minutes Filed.
Treasurer’s Report (Evan Durkovic)
The treasurer’s report was distributed via email to all ExComm members on August 12, 2019th.
Committee Reports
Ballot Access (Mark Mosley)
Committee report sent to ExCom members on August 12, 2019.
Convention (Stephanie Aylworth)
Convention committee narrowed down venues, one in Douglassville will cost $4,400, food will range from $2,800-$3,500. Other venue will be slightly less expensive, still waiting on quotes.
Communications (Stephanie Aylworth)
Newsletter to come out, asked for affiliate meeting schedule.
Membership (Bobby Rouse)
184 members in July.
Fundraising (Bobby Rouse)
Still phone banking.
Outreach Committee (vacant)
Rural Pride August 17th-18th in Dillard, booth event. May have 2 presidential candidates present.
Affiliate Support (Elizabeth Melton)
Has meeting planned for the end of the month to create LaGrange affiliate, will include three counties. Lumpkin county affiliate in the works. Affiliate handbook submitted to communications.
Candidate Support (Nathan Wilson)
Searching for candidates.
Public Policy (Laura Williams)
Partnering with Ga Justice project and ACLU to do expungement workshops, looking to start publishing positions on school choice.
IT (Ryan Graham)
No updates.
Resolution to condemn red flag laws and demand accountability from law enforcement. Motion to pass resolution by Elizabeth Melton, seconded by Ted Metz. One nay, motion passes via voice vote.
A motion to adjourn was made by Bobby Rouse, second by Ted Metz.
Meeting Adjourned at 8:15 pm.