Letter To The Barrow Journal: Issues With Census Process

Recently, Executive Committee member, Jeffrey Moss, penned this “Letter To The Editor” of the Barrow Journal about some issues with the census process.

Dear Editor: The March 17th edition of the Barrow Journal included an article advising us that the census forms are on the way.
The article reminds us that the census is used to determine Congressional representation and is also used to redraw state and local legislative boundaries. The notice that I received warning me that my census form was on the way informed me that the census information is also used to decide the amount of government money that my neighborhood will receive. The census bureau also assures us that they will never share census information with any government agency.

There are a couple of problems with those statements. First, there is no government money. All money in the government coffers has either been forcibly taken from workers in the form of taxation or more recently, borrowed from China. The huddled masses of this country need to understand that fact. Article 1, section 2 of the Constitution which authorizes the census, or Enumeration as it was known in 1787, makes no mention of wealth redistribution as a valid use of census data.

Secondly, the assurance that the census bureau will not share information with any other agency must have been quite comforting to the American citizens of Japanese decent in 1942 when the Army used census information to locate them for interment. More recently, in 2003, the Department of Homeland Security used census information to identify Middle Eastern population centers in the U.S. Midwest.

Maybe sharing the census data was justified in ’42 and ’03 because of national security issues. How long until government deems your information vital to national security?

Though most have already dutifully filled out and returned the census, Moss brings up several points about about the reluctance of many to participate in the 2010 Census, especially beyond the first question.

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