The 2020 Libertarian Party of Georgia state convention will be on January 18 and 19 at the Douglasville Conference Center. Please stay tuned to this page for announcements as we firm up details.
Douglasville Conference Center
6700 Church St
Douglasville, GA 30134
Map >>
Student Grant FREE
We are offering grants to any student who wishes to send us a submission of 150 words about why they are a Libertarian! We are limited on grants based on the number of donors who step up to sponsor students. Click here to apply!
Student Pricing* $50
We are reducing the price for all students! We only ask that when you check in at the convention, you bring some proof that you are a student or you may have to pay the difference between the at-the-door price and the student pricing.
Standard Pricing* $150
This is good for access to two full days of the convention and all of our guest speakers.
Single Day Pass $75
Can't make it for both days of the convention? This is the option for you!
Sponsor Sponsorship Options
Would you or your organization like to help sponsor the event? Click here to see sponsorship options!
* Children 16 and under do not require a ticket; All convention pricing includes a LP Georgia annual membership; Business session free and open to the public, but you must be a member of LP Georgia to vote
Guest Speakers
Expect updates to this list as we get closer and closer to the convention! We will be updating here as confirmations roll in.
Catherine Bernard
Bernard & Johnson, LLC; Spartacus Legal
Georgia lawyer Catherine Bernard defends the wrongfully accused and other victims of government overreach throughout the state, with a particular focus on jury trials for individuals charged with victimless crimes. As a public advocate, she has led justice reform efforts at the state and local level, including the defeat of no-knock search warrant legalization and city debt expansion. She was elected as a delegate to the 2012 Republican National Convention, where she voted for presidential candidate Ron Paul. She graduated from Emory University with degrees in philosophy and political science, and from the University of Virginia School of Law. In 2019, she was selected as a Georgia Legal Trailblazer by the Daily Report.
Ballot Access is one of the major goals of the Libertarian Party of Georgia. In order effectively spread the message of liberty, we need to be able to get our candidates onto the ballot. Here in Georgia, we face some of the toughest ballot access laws in the nation.
![]() | Jay StricklandJay Strickland was the Libertarian Party candidate for Georgia House of Representatives District 42 in 2018. He ran an aggressive petitioning campaign in which he was able to raise over 1,600 signatures, more than the 1,200 required to get on the ballot, but ultimately failed as only 900 were deemed valid. |
![]() | Demond KennedyDemond Kennedy was the Libertarian Party candidate for Georgia House of Representatives District 90 in 2018. Ultimately, Demond and his team were unable to attain the required number of signatures, but not for lack of trying. He faced an assortment of unforeseen challenges. |
![]() | Bryan SellsBryan L. Sells is an experienced civil rights lawyer specializing in voting rights, election law, and redistricting. He has been working on the Libertarian Party of Georgia’s lawsuit challenging Georgia’s unconstitutional ballot access laws. |
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Peter “Mance Rayder” QuinonesPeter R. Quinones is managing editor of the Libertarian Institute and hosts the Free Man Beyond the Wall podcast. He released his first book, Freedom Through Memedom – The 31-day Guide to Waking Up to Liberty in November 2017. It reached #4 in the Libertarian Section on Amazon. He has spoken at Liberty Forum in Manchester, New Hampshire and is currently co-producing a documentary entitled, “The Monopoly on Violence,” which is scheduled for a 2020 release. It will feature the most prominent figures in libertarianism explaining how nations states came into existence, the atrocities they commit and what a truly open libertarian society would look like. |
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Banks WiseBanks Wise is a Political Consultant and Policy Analyst who got his start in activism as a District Director for Ron Paul 2012 in Georgia. He has since run dozens of campaigns including some of the most successful Liberty legislators in the state; Charles Gregory & Matt Gurtler. He now hosts a podcast called The Rebellion with former congressional candidate and Marine, Shane Hazel. His ideological heroes include Lysander Spooner, Sophie Scholl, Cato the Younger and of course Ron Paul. |
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Joshua SmithJoshua Smith is a Libertarian from Antioch, California. He is an At-Large representative of the Libertarian National Committee, At-Large for The Libertarian Party of California, Treasurer for The Libertarian Party of Contra Costa County, and former Region 5 Representative for the Libertarian Party of Washington. He is a former candidate for the 49th District of the Washington House of Representatives in the 2018 Washington Elections, withdrawing his campaign on December 6, 2017. Joshua is also a founding member of Think Liberty. Joshua Smith has been an activist inside of the Liberty movement since 2008, being brought to the philosophy of liberty by activists and authors such as Ron Paul, Murray Rothbard, F. A. Hayek, and Henry Hazlitt. |
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Dan SanchezDan Sanchez is the Director of Content at the Foundation for Economic Education (FEE) and the editor-in-chief of He co-hosts the weekly web show FEEcast, serving as the resident “explainer.” Dan is also the main writing coach for Praxis, a professional-development bootcamp that serves as an alternative to college. |
Ben PangieHost of Homesteads and Homeschools, a show that interviews both experts and everyday individuals practicing home-centric lifestyles. Ben examines motivating factors, everyday practices, and the personal liberties these lifestyles afford. As a former educator turned stay-at-home dad to four children from three to nine, Ben and his family have embraced the many joys and despairs of homeschooling while attempting to build up their own homestead in middle Georgia. |
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Laura WilliamsDr. Laura Williams teaches communication strategy to undergraduates and executives. She is a passionate advocate for critical thinking, individual liberties, and the Oxford Comma. |
![]() | Ann CollotonAnn Colloton is the Policy & Outreach Coordinator at the Georgia Justice Project. Ann’s work at GJP focuses on the Second Chance for Georgia Campaign, which the Libertarian Party of Georgia has endorsed. The Campaign’s goal is to expand Georgia’s expungement law to remove barriers to employment and housing for people with criminal records. |
Saturday, January 18
Registration 8:00AM - 9:00AM
Welcome 9:00AM - 9:15AM
Opening Keynote 9:15AM - 10:00AM
Ballot Access 10:00AM - 10:45AM
Lunch 11:00AM - 12:30PM
Alternatives to State Run Education 12:30PM - 1:30PM
Communicating Liberty 1:30PM - 2:30PM
Presidential Debates 3:00PM - 5:00PM
Meet and Greet 6:00PM - 8:00PM
Sweet Southern >> Google Map
Sunday, January 19
Registration 9:00AM - 10:00AM
Second Chance for Georgia 10:00AM - 11:00AM
Annual Business Meeting 11:15AM - 12:30PM
Lunch 12:30PM - 2:00PM
Annual Business Meeting 2:00PM - 5:00PM
Adjourn 5:00PM
2020 Presidential Debate
The Libertarian Party of Georgia will proudly host candidates seeking nomination by the Libertarian Party for President in 2020. Stay tuned here as candidates are announced!
Georgia Candidates Seeking Nomination
The Libertarian Party of Georgia nominates candidates for public office at the state level via convention. Delegates at the 2020 Annual Convention will be selecting each candidate besides President and Vice President who will appear on ballots all across Georgia. Per Libertarian Party of Georgia, None of the Above will also be a choice on each and every nomination ballot.
* If you’re a candidate and you feel you should be included on this list, please email [email protected]. You must have a website to be linked to and have filed the appropriate paperwork to be considered a candidate by the state of Georgia.